Frequency drive Triol AT27?M63 630kW, 3,3kV
Installation of VFDs Triol AT27 ? M63 (630kW, 3.3kV) on the control system of the drying chamber exhaust fan for maintaining precise production processes
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Installation of VFDs Triol AT27 ? M63 (630kW, 3.3kV) on the control system of the drying chamber exhaust fan for maintaining precise production processes
Medium-voltage VFDs Triol AT27 provided reliable operation of pump units and other VFD based induction motors.
Low-voltage VFD Triol AT24 provides high-quality frequency control of induction motors customer for energy savings
Supply of frequency drives AT 24 UC line for pump VSDs which transfer oil products under the project to increase productivity and reduce energy costs for the customer.
The project included the supply of a Triol AT27-1M0 1000 kW, 6 kV medium-voltage VFD for the production process control system, as well as supervision and commissioning works. To solve the issue of uninterrupted supply and efficient use of resources, the installation of the drive helped to reduce energy consumption.
A Triol AT27-M16 6.6 kV VFD was implemented under a project to upgrade the equipment of pumping equipment manufacturers' test benches to increase the customer's production volumes.
Supply of AT27-M63 frequency drives (630kW, 10kV) under the project "Oil rim development of Botuba deposit of Chayanda OGCF with allocation of pilot works stage. Stage 3: Construction of the Chayanda-VSTO pipeline. Tank farm pumping VSD".
Medium-voltage VFDs Triol AT27 provided reliable operation of pump units and other VFD based induction motors.